Product Info > Single Countertop

Single Countertop

S i n g l e... C o u n t e r t o p  

What it removes?       Chlorine is easy to remove, and you can buy a wide selection of filters if this is your concern. However, if you want to remove other containments such as lead, and other heavy metals, giardian and cryptosporidium, herbicides, trihalomethanes, and more, then you need a SINGLE COUNTER TOP from Rosmosis.

Life of the filter:
Filter life is dependent on type and power of filter. Filter life should be rated on the most difficult containment to remove, chlorine is easiest, cysts are difficult and hence the filter life varies with each containment removed. Typically a filter will last 6 months.

Which filter is the best?
Not all filters are made the same way … Look for granulated activated carbon made with coconut shell and micron-straining pads or carbon block filters. These are among the best.

Benefits of Rosmosis filters:
- Easy Cartridge Replacement
- Installs in minutes WITHOUT TOOLS
- Fits any Faucet
- One Year Limited Warranty
- Design Available in WHITE, CLEAR or CHROME

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1. Filter Housings Counter top
2. Replacement filter cartridges
3. -- 4. -- 5. Spouts, Fittings, Tubing,
Divert Adapters, Counter top stands, Cartons, Included 1 Filter

Also available with ultra violet (same design) only with a hard glass UV lamp.